Canvas Town Coffee's way of making delicious pour-over filter coffee

Canvas Town Coffee's way of making delicious pour-over filter coffee

Pour-over coffee is the name for manually brewed drip filter coffee, its popularity has been significantly increased in the last decade through the specialty coffee market. 
(Did you know: There is an annual competition that crowns a world champion, the World Brewers Cup too?)

However, brewing great tasting pour-over coffees is not just for the professionals; great results can be achieved at home too! The following is our simple technique for making great tasting pour-over coffee at home:


What you'll need:

  • Coffee beans
  • Coffee dripper and filter paper of your choice (We like Hario V60 dripper)
  • Pouring kettle - we recommend using a pouring kettle, but a household kettle would work too
  • Coffee receptacle - a server, carafe or a mug
  • Digital scale
  • Timer


15g coffee to 250g/ml water

Step-by-step guide:

1) Put a kettle of fresh water to boil. (We use 92℃ on our electric pouring kettle, or wait 5 minutes after kettle boils).

2) Place filter paper into the dripper, and rinse the paper with some hot water. This will remove and reduce any papery taste that may be imparted to the brewed coffee.

3) Weigh out 15g coffee and grind it to a medium coarse size (similar to coarse sea salt). 

4) Put ground coffee into pre-wetted filter paper, and place the dripper over a vessel (server or mug) on a digital scale and tare.

5) To start the brewing process, "bloom" the coffee with 50g of hot water. Allow the the coffee to bloom for 30-45 seconds.

6) From the centre of the coffee bed, add 130g of water with swirling outwards towards the dripper wall, allow the water to drawdown through the coffee bed for 15 seconds.

7) Lastly, repeat the same water addition, this time 70g of water, from the centre towards dripper wall, and allow the water to drawdown completely.

Your coffee is now ready for your enjoyment!


Note: If you own a coffee grinder and grind your coffee freshly, fantastic! If you don't, fret not and use pre-ground coffee.